Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

I can't believe it's already a new year. It feels like the past year has just flown hyperspeed, since every year always seems to pass so quickly! I spent the first day of my year cleaning--got fresh sheets on my bed and put on a new duvet cover that I absolutely adore, rearranged my room a bit, knitted, and started learning how to crochet. I wanted to relax today; begin the new year by taking time for myself and just enjoying being with me. Plus, I wanted to be semi-productive while I watched Lifetime movies in the background (I really did just admit that...)

I've been thinking about what resolutions I want to make, and I've already made some. But I keep thinking of more and more things I want to do, so I'll share my list with you once it's finalized. I'm feeling ambitious, but not overly, because I know how that usually ends up: a list with a bunch of things that sound awesome, but all the boxes have no check marks in them. However, I am feeling hopeful that this year will be a productive year. Have you made any resolutions this year? I'd love to hear about them!

One of the things I want to accomplish this year is to successfully complete Project 365! I've attempted it in years past, but it always got so hard to keep going. After a few years of not even bothering to try, I've decided to take on the challenge again. I have a camera with me all the time (my phone), so there are no excuses! I'll most likely set up a place for that elsewhere and post an update here if you'd like to follow. :)

So, in closing: Happy New Year! Here's Day 1 of 2011!

Day 1

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