Friday, May 7, 2010

My Northern Lights for Inspiration

My blog's kind of like a good old friend that you haven't talked to in a while. Despite the time apart, when you come back together, and catch up, it's just like old times. Somehow, you kind of just pick up where you left off.

But still, my apologies (for my few blog readers). I didn't mean to leave for so long. :( I've been trying to find inspiration and things to photograph...when I realized, I just have to start taking the pictures rather than spending all my time thinking about what I want to take pictures of! (I hope that made sense.)

I've added a few additions to my camera collection--105 2.8 Macro and an SB-800. <3 After a couple months of owning the macro, I've only recently played with it and I'm in love! Not just for close-ups, but portraits as well. Perhaps not the best portrait lens, but it's a good dual-purpose lens for now. :) Until I get my hands on an 85 1.4. As for the SB-800, I used to own an SB-600, but it died on me within months and I never got it to Nikon to fix. :( But it's nice having a flash again and I've been doing a lot of catch up on Strobist to become more familiar with creative lighting.

Anyway, enough rambling. My photo for today comes from discovering a technique called "Freelensing". It's kind of scary since your lens is actually detached when the shutter's released, but you can get some really awesome results. And with the popularity of Tilt Shift nowadays, you can get somewhat that effect on a cheaper budget with freelensing.

Northern Lights

It reminds me of the Northern Lights. I'll call this one, "Northern Lights v13.8". :)

As for my frequency of posts, I'm working on it! I know I'll fail at a p365 (and it's kind of an awkward time to start that...almost middle of the year), so I'm not even going to try right now! But I am consciously trying to take more pictures, even if it has to be finding uniqueness in everyday things.

Keep me accountable if you remember to! Send me a mean e-mail reprimanding me for not updating or something. I'll take it well, I promise.

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