Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Festivities

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had a lovely time making my food belly with delicious food in the company of great family! Even though it was an overcast and wet day, I still went out with some relatives to take photos of their kids in the park. The shoot didn't go as planned--kids wanted to run all over the playground and wouldn't sit still, then they got cold and wouldn't sit still, then they got tired and wouldn't sit still. Oh well, you gotta roll with the punches! I managed to snap a few pictures, and here are just a couple for now.

This is Nikki, blowing kissies like her daddy told her to.
Kissi Nikki
Her little brother Brandon, who's a little too small for the swing, but luckily his overly large coat kept him in there pretty snug. :)
And this is least her cute boots! You'll meet her later.
Alice in Boots

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