Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Birthday Blue

Sometimes I just get bored and find things around the house to photograph. Who DOESN'T do that right? On the eve of my birthday, I decided to play around with ring shots, but of course without having access to a macro lens to take these said ring shots. AND I didn't have an engagement ring to take pictures of. But, thinking it was appropriate for my birthday, I took ring shots of my ring with my birthstone! :) And my hat that I never wear but desperately try to find places to wear it to. I told you I was bored.

Birthday Ring

On another note, there's a baby toy downstairs (that belongs to my nephew) that apparently started malfunctioning this weekend, which I didn't know about and found out after the fact. But last night, it went off and my first thought was, "Is the ice cream truck passing by outside??" Of course this would be the first thought ANYONE would have had past midnight. But I saw that no one was downstairs and all the lights were off. All I saw was the glowing red light and all I heard was the happy-when-it's-during-the-day but creepy-when-it's-at-night jingle going off. Oh man, FREAK ME OUT! It's going off now and I just have to laugh at myself how I am still such a big baby sometimes.

Thanks for reading through this nonsensical post. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cason and Fall Leaves

So if you've looked around, you've seen the baby in the "little ones" section of photos. Well, that adorable little cutie patootie is my nephew! And I certainly do take lots and lots of pictures of him. This weekend, I had another opportunity to take the leaves! A cute little face and beautiful fall colors to surround him with! Here are just a select few from that session!


The picture that I took after this one (not shown here) is his daddy pushing those leaves away from his mouth. At this age, he puts everything in his mouth!


We also put him in his cute little Halloween monkey outfit, but he started to get grumpy. :(


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jen & Allen Wedding

I had the opportunity to fly down to NC to shoot a wedding with Ashley of the Story Photographers. Tangent: I was at a coffee shop and saw these neat little business cards for a photography company. I started following their blog, recommended them to my friends who were looking for a wedding photographer, and the rest is history! :) (Thanks, Ashley!)

Anyway, we shot Jennifer and Allen's wedding in Emerald Isle, NC. It was supposed to be an outdoor beach wedding but the wind and rain had other plans for us! The wedding was moved indoors but it was still a beautiful and moving wedding as you will see in these pictures.

Here are a few that I love from the wedding!

(Warning: LOTS of images.)

Jen & Allen

The bouquets were so pretty!

Jen & Allen

Jen & Allen

Gathering her "something borrowed, something blue, something old, something new." :)

Jen & Allen

Let me tell you, this bride was a trooper! Even with all the bad weather that day, she didn't freak out. AND when the weather let up for 5 minutes, she went out in the high winds to get those beach pictures she wanted!

Jen & Allen

Remember how I said the wedding we very moving? Well, the groom was very emotional (which is the BEST!) and fought back tears the SECOND he saw his beautiful bride walking toward him.

Jen & Allen

Jen & Allen

Jen & Allen

The best man wanted to join in on the first dance!

Jen & Allen

Everyone at the wedding were dancing machines!! They danced for hours and hours into the night!

Jen & Allen

And of course they did choreographed dances: Thriller.

Jen & Allen

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I've added some new photos to the website. I'm still working through editing a couple weddings. Progress has been a bit slow because everyone in my house is sick!! That's 6 people (including 1 baby) all sniffling and coughing = spreading more germs in the air!! Luckily for me, I seem to have the least severe symptoms, though I think it's slowly creeping up on me.

Anyway, here's a peek at some photos to come from Alen & Cyndi's wedding!

a sneak peek
a sneak peek
And who doesn't love spinning? This little girl sure didn't hesitate to in her pretty new dress!
a sneak peek

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The start of something new...

If you're here, it's likely that you've come from my photography site! I'm glad you're here...but I'm not quite ready yet! Things are still being set up around here if you couldn't already tell. Please excuse the...barrenness while I finish getting everything together.
