Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project 365's New Home

I found a suitable alternative to my P365! Tumblr! I'll be posting a photo a day, and I think it's a good platform for posting short tidbits worth sharing throughout the day. :) So please don't disown this blog (because I do plan on updating this more!!!), but follow my 365 journey over on Tumblr!!

Thanks! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3/365

I went grocery shopping this weekend...and I went overboard. I spent a lot more than I intended to. >.< Never go food shopping when you're hungry...and when you're craving sweets. Day 3a/365

Day 3b/365

Funny thing is, I was so excited about taking these photos that I forgot about my second batch that I left in the oven. They were burnt. :(

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2/365

Every morning I look out my bathroom window, I'm reminded it's winter by the stark trees in the distance. Some winter days feel colder and lonelier than others.

But other days, I feel hopeful and ready to start anew. And that's what this view gives me everyday.

Day 2/365

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

I can't believe it's already a new year. It feels like the past year has just flown hyperspeed, since every year always seems to pass so quickly! I spent the first day of my year cleaning--got fresh sheets on my bed and put on a new duvet cover that I absolutely adore, rearranged my room a bit, knitted, and started learning how to crochet. I wanted to relax today; begin the new year by taking time for myself and just enjoying being with me. Plus, I wanted to be semi-productive while I watched Lifetime movies in the background (I really did just admit that...)

I've been thinking about what resolutions I want to make, and I've already made some. But I keep thinking of more and more things I want to do, so I'll share my list with you once it's finalized. I'm feeling ambitious, but not overly, because I know how that usually ends up: a list with a bunch of things that sound awesome, but all the boxes have no check marks in them. However, I am feeling hopeful that this year will be a productive year. Have you made any resolutions this year? I'd love to hear about them!

One of the things I want to accomplish this year is to successfully complete Project 365! I've attempted it in years past, but it always got so hard to keep going. After a few years of not even bothering to try, I've decided to take on the challenge again. I have a camera with me all the time (my phone), so there are no excuses! I'll most likely set up a place for that elsewhere and post an update here if you'd like to follow. :)

So, in closing: Happy New Year! Here's Day 1 of 2011!

Day 1

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yuck, Green Beans!

I didn't take too many photos during Thanksgiving. I was busy eating all the delicious food (in addition to the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn, we had LOBSTER and CRAB! MMMMM!)

But this shot here just gets my shoulders goin'! Favorite picture of the night!

Yuck, Green Beans!

It's a little late, but I hope you all had wonderful Thanksgivings! Any non-traditional dinners??

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mommy To Be!

When I was in NC earlier this fall, I had the chance to meet up with my friend Jennifer from NC who happened to be in the area at the same time (visiting from CA!!) I learned that she was pregnant earlier this year and knowing that she was several months along at this point, I insisted that we meet up and I take baby bump photos for her! So we gathered at the American Tobacco District in Durham to do a mini-session.

Unfortunately, I only have time to post a couple photos tonight, so here are some of my favorites.

Maternity Shoot - Jennifer

Maternity Shoot - Jennifer

Thanks for letting me take your photos, Jennifer! :D And congratulations on your baby girl!! I expect to see photos of her beautiful little face soon!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Patch!

This Saturday, my family and I went to go pick pumpkins to carve for Halloween. It was the perfect chilly fall day. And that's something I love about taking pictures in the fall--the photos come out so much crisper, just like the air. I'm not sure how that works out, but I love it!

Of course, I chased my nephew around with the camera, but he didn't seem to mind.