Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

This winter, my family and I will be heading to Pittsburgh to celebrate the holidays! I've never been to Pittsburgh (minus that Pittsburgh?), so I'm very excited to see what it's like on the other side of the state! I'm hoping for lots and lots of delicious food, warm toasty fireplace fires, and just a great time with family and friends. I'm NOT hoping for weight gain and food comas, though I have a feeling those are inevitable, at least for me.

I may be taking a blogging break for a little bit because as soon as I get back from Pittsburgh, I'll be heading to NYC for the week! So expect some personal pictures when I return. :)

Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Santos Family

Here are some more pictures from my previous post of the Santos Family--Melissa, Alex, and Jared.

Meet Rocky!

After leaving the luxuries of a heated home, we headed out into the cold outdoors to Melissa's grandma's cute little farm! And to our pleasant began snowing!!!

Kissies for Daddy.
Kisses for Dad

Since it was so cold, they had to find some way to stay warm! :)
The Santos Family

I love this family!
The Santos Family

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moore Bags Please!!

EDIT: For blogging about her bag, I've received a $50 off discount code to share with all of you! Just enter code: bloglove when you check out! But this code expires on Christmas Day!! So make your purchases before then!!

A photographer whose work I love has just launched her camera bag line!! Not only is she an amazing photographer, she's also such a fashionista! I would wear these bags as my regular carryall! They're beautiful!

As for me, I would like the one in fuchsia. Thanks! :)
(Photos from site.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I loooove winter...but only because of the snow. If it was just cold all the time, that wouldn't be fun. But I had a shoot today with Melissa, Alex, and Jared (and their own little pet farm), and we got to go out in the snow and play a little bit. I've only briefly, very briefly, looked through the photos and this one just stuck out. I absolutely adore it. I snapped it when we were getting in our cars, ready to part ways! So it almost didn't get in the mix of photos!


By the way, taken on my D700. The bokeh and the colors are SO yummy! MMmmmm. :)

Thanks Melissa, Alex, and Jared for letting me take your pictures today! I'll post more up soon!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So today was a good day. Here are some photos taken from today that I want to share with you.

New boots..been looking for a pair for over a year. I haven't worn them yet though--I'm afraid I'll change my mind as soon as I wear them outside the house and then I won't be able to return them anymore!
Cason in his adorable little bodysuit.
(ISO 6400, 1/50, f1.8)

So those are just some random pictures...but they really define my day.
Here's one last one to make it complete.

I'd like to introduce you to Wednesday. :)

(Critique these photos lightly...I was just too excited about Wednesday and I had to snap something and put them up quick!)